An Irish, a Brit and an Aussie walk into a closet…

We’re Roisin, Rudi and Jeff. We met in an undisclosed country on a sub-tropical plateau (no more clues) and bonded over our love of nostalgic pop culture. Whilst we were satisfied with our reference laden banter that excluded everyone who didn’t spend their childhoods glued to a screen, we always dreamed of more.

Finally, after Rudi did an impression one night of a Flubber wearied by too many takes and Robin Williams antics, we decided the world needed to hear our words.

Plus, Roisin had a spacious closet with great acoustics.

Some call us nerds. Some say we’re living in the past. Some people say “get back to work and stop talking about Jurassic Park.”

We just say: hello and welcome to Reviews From The Closet, the film podcast where three guys sit in a closet and talk about films from the 80s, 90s, maybe even the 00s.